Hearing Loss is 100% Preventable.
As an Audiologist and advocate for hearing health, You Tune’s founder, Dr. Jeremiah Smith, Au.D., knows that hearing loss is nearly 100% preventable when proper ear protection is available and used.
The Problem...
You are exposed to daily noise levels that will likely lead to hearing loss and ringing (tinnitus) in your ears, but most people don’t wear earplugs, simply because they are not cool and there are no habits associated with devices. Even research studies revealed, earplugs are generally considered unfashionable, aesthetically unappealing, and detrimental to music appreciation. Specifically, Bogoch et al. states, “Individuals who were concerned about their appearance while wearing hearing protection were found to be less likely to wear earplugs even if provided free at the door.”
Military-Grade Protection
The United States Department of Defense (DOD), which currently spends over two billion dollars per year in disability payment for ear related trauma, also believes in You Tune Hearing Protection’s Mission because they awarded the company with a contract to provide the most advanced hearing protection, enhancement, and restoration system to the Military. Under the contract, You Tune will provide well-fitting hearing protection devices using Multi-stage Noise Reduction Filters, Impulse/High-Fidelity Filters, Customizable Logo Inserts, and electronic accessories to the military and private sector. You Tune will elevate proper ear protection behavior to the point of automation by creating new habits and routines. Further, the DOD also realized loud sounds (130+ dB) can travel through the human skull and damage the hearing organ, thus no hearing protection product currently available by any company fully prevents hearing loss. Therefore, You Tune is also contracted to provide a device that merges the science of mechanical noise reduction while simultaneously providing metabolic protection. Currently, there are no other earplugs that incorporate a metabolic based approach for protection. This is an exciting time for You Tune’s future in-ear therapeutic hearing restoration devices.
Passion plus education and experience are the foundation of You Tune. Dr. Smith received his Doctorate of Audiology degree from Central Michigan University and has extensive experience in acoustics and hearing healthcare. After graduation, he turned his doctoral thesis into an IRB approved research study. Following the research, he was an invited speaker at the American Academy of Audiology, Joint Defense Veterans Audiology, and American Speech-Language and Hearing National Conferences. He won the University of Dayton International Business Plan competition while simultaneously running his audiology private practice. He went on to run the most successful crowdfunding campaign in his region and delivered You Tune’s initial devices to the customers in the United States and 57 countries. The innovation did not stop there. You Tune signed a sponsored program with the University of Mississippi Medical Center (UMMC). Medical professionals at UMMC and Dr. Smith’s team of aerospace engineers tested You Tune’s future device in several cadaver ears using a simulated blood flow system. You Tune obtained concrete evidence the new In-Ear therapeutic device will mitigate risk for noise induced hearing loss before, during, and within hours after noise trauma. It is also plausible that the device could help mitigate risk for mild traumatic brain injury and also be used to protect hearing during cancer treatment. You Tune is proud of our ratings and certifications that currently include nine certified noise reduction ratings (NRR), FCC, CE, Bluetooth®, and RoHS certifications. In addition, Dr. Smith has three trademarks, one issued patent, and two additional patents are pending.
"Life will always sound better without hearing loss."
Dr. Smith